Army Junior Enlisted Promotion Cut Off Scores for September 2013
Army Enlisted Cut off scores for the month of September are now available to view and download, you can stay updated or get notification by joining our Facebook page there you can ask questions about anything Military. See also SGT and SSG by name list and Trend Report
APFT and Physical Profiles
Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)
Audits for promotion packets
Awards and Certificates of Achievement (COAs)
Civilian Education and Certifications
Command List Integration or Automatic List Integration
Promotion Counseling and Deployments
Flags and Removal from Promotion Standing List
Meeting Cutoff Scores and Promotion Orders
Military Training and Certifications
Army Promotion Boards Updated
Promotion Packets and Reports
Source Documents for Points
Weapons Qualification
Correspondence Course Codes
Promotion MILPER Messages
FY14 MSG Promotion Board Announcement
Service Obligation for Promotions to SFC-SGM
Special MOS Alignment Promotion Program (SMAPP)
Promotion Point Worksheet Update
Elimination of NCOES Requirements fro Promotion
Changes to Military Ed, Enlisted Promotion System
Semi-Centralized Promotion System 20 JUL 11