Question: Are Soldiers who are flagged automatically removed from the E5/E6 promotion standing list?
Answer: Yes. If a Soldier is flagged the PPW system will remove the Soldier from the promotion standing list and place the Soldier into a NOT Eligible status. If the Soldier is flagged for adverse action and receives a summarized Article 15 or is exonerated from the initial flag, the BDE/BN S1 will re-integrate the Soldier back onto the promotion standing list. To re-integrate the Soldier follow the steps in the PPW user manual on pages 12-17.
If a Soldier that is exonerated/case closed favorably from an initial flag who would have made the DA Promotion Point Cutoff Score while the suspension of favorable personnel actions was in effect, provided otherwise qualified, the unit S1 will submit an Administrative Records Correction request to HRC, ATTN: Junior Enlisted Promotions. Email request to If Soldiers are selected for promotion and flagged after the BY-NAME list is posted, there will be a relook of the system for flagged Soldiers prior to the 1st of the month to prevent by-name selection and ultimate promotion.
Question: Voluntary Removal from the SGT/SSG Standing List: I have a SGT(P) in our battalion who wants to reenlist to re-class for another MOS. In order for him to do so, he can’t be promotable. Is there any way I can remove him from the promotion standing list without making it seem like there were any negative actions against him?
Answer: If the Soldier is requesting to be removed from the promotion standing list to concur with a reenlistment/reclassification action several steps must be completed.
Soldier must submit a request to be removed from the list, based on the circumstances, to their Chain of Command, (Company Commander). The request can be in memo or DA Form 4187 format.
Unit Commander (Company), with the assistance of the Retention NCO, will endorse the Soldier’s request with all pertinent information, i.e. MOS requested, details of reclassification, and the commander will make a recommendation to the promotion authority.
The Promotion Authority, (Battalion Commander) will approve/disapprove the action and forward to the BN S1 for action. If the action is approved, the BN S1 will remove the Soldier’s promotion points through the PPW. If the action is disapproved or withdrawn, no action is taken. Once complete, the BN S1 will complete a memorandum notifying the Soldier of the action completion date and include all enclosures, i.e., Soldier request, command endorsements. A copy will be kept with the Soldier’s Personnel File within the BN S1.
Meeting Cutoff Scores/Promotion Orders
Question: Under the new system, are promotion orders still required and if so who cuts the orders?
Answer: Promotion orders are still required and are cut by BDE S1 or MPD for non PSDR units. The authorities and functions of orders production agencies/staffs remains the same.
Question: Is the requirement to verify points when a Soldier makes cut-off still a valid requirement and if so who is responsible?
Answer: The only requirement when the Soldier meets the cutoff score is to ensure they are otherwise eligible. This includes ensuring they are not flagged and that they have a valid APFT (within 12 months or Commander’s memo if deployed). There is no requirement to verify scores and to do so would indicate that something was not entered in the system correctly initially. Because the score is based on the Soldier’s record, it’s critical that data entries – right up front – be done accurately. Once the Army sees the score, there is an expectation that all Soldiers selected be promoted – unless they are not qualified at the time of selection. The new system does not change that. Initially, 5% of all Soldiers selected for promotion (by-name) will be audited to ensure integrity of the system.
Military Training/Certifications
Question: The proposed policy says formal military training in ATRRS will be worth 4 points per week. I also am reading further down that 10 points will be given for Soldier Training Courses completed that are listed in AR 350-1. Is that 10 points period or 10 points per week?
Answer: Soldiers will be granted 10 promotion points upon completion of each Soldier Training Course, not per week of training. All other formal military training (less PME) in ATRRS will earn 4 points per week of training.
Question: Why is so much emphasis allowed for the computer-based training? Not that cheating doesn’t occur in a classroom or in the field, but even with all that has been done, cheating online courses still happens.
Answer: Points earned as a result of computer based training have been drastically reduced under this system, and in recent years, more emphasis has been placed on preventing students from sharing information. The new system also requires full course completion rather than granting promotion points for sub-courses, which will encourage more students to work on their own to complete the course.
Question: I’m competing for SSG; why don’t I receive 80 points for completion of WLC like the SPC competing for SGT does?
Answer: WLC is a promotion eligibility requirement for recommendation to the rank of SSG – so all SGT’s will be graduates of the course – mitigating its impact on determining a best-qualified Soldier for promotion. Its true value to the promotion process is in recognition of the increased potential a CPL/SPC will have by graduating the course – compared to those who have not completed the training.
Question: I used to get military education points for completion of basic airborne training and completion of Drill Sergeant School. Under the new point system I no longer qualify for points in the military education section for completing these courses, why not?
Answer: Badge producing schools will be awarded points in the military awards section and not military education section. Soldiers won’t be authorized to earn points in two different sections for completing badge producing schools as they currently do because it is redundant. The value added for completing the course – resulting in award of a badge – was fully taken into consideration.
Updating Promotion Points
APFT and Physical Profiles
Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)
Audits for promotion packets
Awards and Certificates of Achievement (COAs)
Civilian Education and Certifications
Command List Integration or Automatic List Integration
Promotion Counseling and Deployments
Flags and Removal from Promotion Standing List
Meeting Cutoff Scores and Promotion Orders
Military Training and Certifications
Army Promotion Boards Updated
Promotion Packets and Reports
Source Documents for Points
Weapons Qualification