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Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP) See also Course Codes

Question: Are Army Correspondence Courses still eligible for promotion points?

Answer: Yes. In order to earn promotion points, Soldiers must complete the entire correspondence course they are enrolled in and possess a certificate of completion. Individual sub-courses on their own will not count for promotion points.

Question: Will Soldiers lose those sub-course points? Or are they “grandfathered”?

Answer: Sub-courses will not be grandfathered. Soldiers must have record of a completed full course. Sub-courses are only part of a full course.

Question: On the chart for the conversion of Army Correspondence Courses, are the point values attributed to each individual sub-course and then added together, or are the total hours calculated first, and then converted to promotion points? I am guessing that the first is true, seeing that the chart only goes to 320 hours, but I would like to clarify it.

Answer: Promotion points will be based on 1 point per 5 hours of completed ACCP training – restricted to courses completed in their entirety. The Soldier must have record of a completed full course and the total credit hours for the entire course will be divided by 5 to determine promotion points.

Question: Is full ACCP course completion required to count as points? I’m being told that ACCP credit hours will only count towards promotion if a SM has completed the full course. Is this true?

Answer: Yes. Effective with 1 June 2011 promotions, Soldiers receive promotion points for full ACCP course completion only. Courses completed after 22 December 2010 will be added to the Soldiers ERB via ATRRS. Courses completed prior to 22 December 2010 should be added to the Soldiers ERB by the BDE/BN S1 or MPD based on a certificate of completion.

The overall number of promotion points awarded in the military education category for Soldiers recommended for SGT (260 points) and SSG (280 points) remains unchanged.

Points for Correspondence Courses and Military Education
There are three distinct elements within the military training category – NCOES, resident military training, and computer based training. Ceilings for each of the three elements will ensure Soldiers pursue completion of a myriad of training opportunities in varying training environments, across the full spectrum of military education courses, to include attendance at and completion of Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) courses. Completion of professional military education courses (NCOES) are an integral part of the overall leader development process. As such, a maximum of 40% of the points a Soldier can potentially earn are applied to the NCOES element within the military education category (104 maximum points for Soldiers competing for SGT and 112 maximum points for Soldier competing for SSG). This design intentionally limits a Soldier’s ability to “max” promotion points in the NCOES category to those who are officially designated as “Distinguished Honor Graduate” or as the “Distinguished Leadership Graduate” (verified on the AER, DA Form 1059).

o Distinguished honor/leader graduates earn 104 points (competing for SGT) and 112 points (competing for SSG) respectively.

o Commandant’s List graduates receive 92 points (competing for SGT) and 101 points (competing for SSG) respectively.

o Graduates receive 80 points (competing for SGT) and 90 points (competing for SSG) respectively.

Active Component Soldiers should see revised scores, based on these newly established ceilings, in the automated PPW as of 5 December 2011. Soldiers recommended for promotion and integrated onto the recommended list during the month of December 2011 (for AC) and November 2011 (for USAR) will have these ceilings applied in determining their promotion


Army Promotion Packet Audits

Question: Who will conduct promotion audits?

Answer: HQDA may conduct random promotion score audits.

Question: My unit is currently deployed. Many Soldiers state that their supporting documents are in the rear and that they would only be able to provide them once they re-deploy. What do we tell them?

Answer: The intent and purpose of conducting promotion audits is to ensure the new automated application is accurate and maintains integrity of our promotion system. Conducting audits for deployed Soldiers, who are not in a position to authenticate or provide documents to validate their promotion point computations, will not assist with this effort. Consequently, Soldiers will be exempt from official HQDA audits while deployed.

Question: If it is determined during the audit that the Soldier cannot substantiate some of his/her points, who corrects the points?

Answer: When an audit reveals that a Soldier had unearned promotion points, the S1 will be contacted to perform appropriate adjustments to the Soldiers promotion points.

Question: If we audit someone and find out that they have added entries to their ERB and they do not have documentation (i.e. COA’s), what steps do we take?

Answer: If a Soldier cannot substantiate points during an audit, the S1 must make a point adjustment and inform both the Soldier’s command and the Soldier with the findings and a notification of adjusted points. Commanders will decide what actions toward the Soldier are appropriate if any, based on the audit results.

APFT and Physical Profiles
Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)
Audits for promotion packets
Awards and Certificates of Achievement (COAs)
Civilian Education and Certifications
Command List Integration or Automatic List Integration
Promotion Counseling and Deployments
Flags and Removal from Promotion Standing List
Meeting Cutoff Scores and Promotion Orders
Military Training and Certifications
Army Promotion Boards Updated
Promotion Packets and Reports
Source Documents for Points
Weapons Qualification