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APFT and Physical Profiles for Promotion Points

Question: Since the APFT data will be pulled from eMILPO, how will the PPW know to recalculate scores for those with permanent profiles?

Answer: APFT scores for Soldiers with permanent profiles will need to be entered into eMILPO as the APFT score for promotion purposes. For example, if a Soldier scored 93 points on the push up event and 95 points on the sit up event, you would average the two scores to get an aerobic event score (94 points is the average). Add the three scores for a total of (282 points); this score will be entered into eMILPO.

Question: Military Training; Okay…maybe I’m just bad at math, but the Military Training section seems like it’s not adding up right. For Staff Sergeants, Section 1 has a maximum of 255 points with 60 points for Combat Experience, 100 points for Weapons Qualification, and 100 Points for Physical Training. Am I missing something where even if you max all three, you can still only get a total of 255 for that section?

Answer: First takeaway: A Soldier will need a record of deployment time in order to “max” the category. Without deployment, Soldiers who max the APFT and weapons qualification will score 200 promotion points out of 255 when competing for SSG. Second takeaway: Soldiers that max the deployment category do not have to max the APFT or weapons qualification to max the category. When Soldiers max the deployment total of 60, a Soldier will have to attain a total of 195 APFT/weapon promotion points of the remaining 200 when competing for SSG. Promotion points will not “bleed over” within each section of the PPW. Soldiers can only receive the max points specified for each section of the PPW. (ie. Section A of the PPW for SGT/E5 cannot exceed the max points of 340. Section A of the PPW for SSG/E6 cannot exceed max points of 255. It was never the intent to have the sub-total’s represent the maximum score a Soldier can otherwise achieve.

Question: Can Soldiers with a temporary profile (not combat related), who have a record APFT score that is over one year old, and are unable to take an alternate APFT, remain on the promotion standing list?

Answer: IAW Table 3-4, AR 600-8-19, Soldiers who have an APFT score older than 12 months are ineligible for promotion (with the exceptions noted in this FAQ). Soldiers who do not meet these exceptions will not retain promotable status if their APFT is over 12 months old, and will be removed from the promotion standing list. The commander can grant APFT exceptions for the following circumstances 1) Soldier is pregnant or in post-partum recovery and 2) The APFT exceeds the one year mark and the reason is based on the fact that the Soldier can’t take an APFT because of a Combat related injury/disease (para 1-32, AR 600-8-19) and 3) based on deployment as verified by the commander, Soldier is unable to take the APFT. Also see, APFT questions d-i for further explanations.

Question: What promotion points do Soldiers with an injury that is “Combat-Related” and has a permanent profile use for APFT? What is “Combat-Related”?

Answer: AR 600-8-19, paragraph 1-32 addresses this issue. Soldiers with permanent profiles resulting from combat related operations who are unable to take an aerobic or alternate APFT event due to a permanent physical profile will use their last record APFT score until the Soldier is medically cleared to take the record APFT. If the Soldier’s last score was a failing score, that Soldier will be granted a minimum qualifying score of 60 points for each APFT event. Soldiers with physical profiles resulting from combat-related operations are defined in DODI 1332.38. Combat related covers injuries and diseases attributable to the special dangers associated with armed conflict or the preparation or training for armed conflict. The injuries or diseases must be found to be in the line of duty under the provisions of AR 600-8-4.

Question: What promotion points do Soldiers with an injury that is “Combat-Related” and has a temporary profile use for APFT?

Answer: AR 600-8-19, paragraph 1-32c(1), Soldiers with a temporary profile that prohibit taking one or more events of the APFT will use their current APFT score provided it is not more than 2 years old at the time of the promotion point computation. The Company Commander may sign a memorandum to extend the second year. The APFT should be updated through eMILPO. The effective date is the date on the memo signed by the Company Commander. The Soldier should maintain a copy of the memorandum with their APFT card.

Question: Can Soldiers with a temporary profile (not combat related), who have a record APFT score that is over one year old, but is able to take the alternate record APFT, get promotion points under the same rules as someone with a permanent profile or do they lose all APFT promotion points after their last APFT is over a year old?

Answer: If the Soldier is afforded an opportunity to take the APFT and failed, or through his or her own negligence (as determined by the unit commander) failed to take the test, the Soldier will be removed from the recommended list. A current passing APFT score is a requirement that Soldiers must have to be eligible to appear before a promotion board and to remain on a promotion recommended list.

Per AR 350-1, Chapter 1, paragraph 1-24e(4), personnel with permanent medical profiles that preclude participation in the push-up or sit-up event will take the remaining events if a physician or physician’s assistant approves. The 2-mile run event, or an approved alternate test event as outlined in TC 3-22.20 (formerly FM 21-20), dated 20 Aug 10, must be taken if the test is for record. The alternate test is for Soldiers with permanent physical profiles that prevent them from running 2 miles. Soldiers with temporary profiles of long duration (more than 3 months) may also take an alternate test if approved by the commander and health care personnel. Soldiers must be given 3 months to prepare for the alternate test from either the date of the profile or the date recommended by health care personnel.

Award of promotion points are consistent with promotion points awarded to Soldiers with permanent profiles. Sit-up and/or push-ups events will be granted 60 points for each event waived while using the actual score for each event actually performed. Soldiers must qualify on the 2-mile run or approved alternate aerobic event according to TC 3-22.20. Soldiers receiving a “GO” on a 2-mile alternate event receive a score for that event equal to the average of the scores for the other two events.

Question: Who is a “Wounded Warrior”? What promotion points do “Wounded Warriors” use for APFT?

Answer: A “Wounded Warrior” is a term in popular use typically referring to the entire population of wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers. The special provisions established in AR 600-8-19 para 1-32 applies to a smaller group of Soldiers defined as “Combat Related Wounded Warriors” which is a term referring to the population of Soldiers who incurred a wound, illness, or injury for which the member was awarded the Purple Heart or whose wound, illness, or injury was incurred:
– As a direct result of armed conflict or
– While engaged in hazardous service or
– In the performance of duty under conditions simulating war, or
– Through an instrumentality of war

Therefore, to qualify for promotion recommendation and to remain on a recommended list, a “Wounded Warrior” (not combat-related) that does not have a current APFT is not otherwise promotion eligible. A current, passing APFT is a requirement to be in a promotable status. Also see the approved DOD wounded definitions attached with these FAQ on S1NET T for further information.

Question: Pregnancy Profiles; Can a Soldier’s Company Commander sign a memorandum authorizing a pregnant Soldier to receive promotion points for an APFT that is over one year old? Also can a Soldier go to a promotion board with a post partum profile?

Answer: Yes, The Company Commander may sign a memorandum explaining that the Soldier is pregnant or has a post partum profile. The APFT should be updated through eMILPO. The effective date is the date on the memo signed by the Company Commander. The Soldier must take an APFT after the post partum profile has expired. The Soldier should maintain a copy of the memorandum with their source documents.

Question: I am deployed and my APFT has expired. What promotion points do deployed Soldiers use for APFT?

Answer: The Company Commander may sign a memorandum explaining that the Soldier is deployed. The APFT should be updated through eMILPO. The effective date is the date on the memo signed by the Company Commander. The Soldier must take an APFT within 90 days post deployment. The Soldier should maintain a copy of the memorandum with their source documents.

Enlisted Promotions Q&A
Updating Promotion Points
APFT and Physical Profiles
Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)
Audits for promotion packets
Awards and Certificates of Achievement (COAs)
Civilian Education and Certifications
Command List Integration or Automatic List Integration
Promotion Counseling and Deployments
Flags and Removal from Promotion Standing List
Meeting Cutoff Scores and Promotion Orders
Military Training and Certifications
Army Promotion Boards Updated
Promotion Packets and Reports
Source Documents for Points
Weapons Qualification