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Army Promotion Command List Integration

New Question: Will Soldiers still be integrated onto the SGT/SSG standing list via the Automatic List Integration (ALI) process?

Answer: Yes. Effective with this change, ALI will be re-designated as Command List Integration (CLI). Soldiers who meet the established criteria will be integrated onto the SGT/SSG standing list and awarded 39 and 14 points respectively. However, in order to attain more points, Soldiers with CLI status must appear before a promotion board.

Question: Why are promotion points for command list integration (CLI) for Soldiers integrated onto the SGT promotion list 39 promotion points and for Soldiers integrated onto the SSG promotion list, 14 promotion points?

Answer: Soldiers must have a passing APFT. The CLI points are one point less than the lowest point on the APFT table so that we can easily ensure all Soldiers who were boarded are promoted before a CLI promotion takes place.

Question: I received a memo from one of our BN’s requesting removal from the C-10 report and CLI list. I went on eMILPO and tried to remove the Soldier with the Deny Promotion List Auto Integration function, but it said some functions are restricted by rank. How do I remove the Soldier from the C10 report?

Answer: It appears that the Soldier was already list integrated and awarded promotion points for CLI. Once Soldiers are integrated and in a promotable status, a removal board must be conducted to remove the Soldier from the promotion standing list, unless conditions exists as outlined in AR 600-8-19, Para 3-26. If on the AAA-294 report, the commander circled “no” for list integration and the S1 failed to deny integration in eMILPO by the 10th of the month, the Soldiers points should be removed using EDAS and this will remove them from the C10 report and the promotion standing list.

Question: A CLI Soldier was removed from the promotion standing list due to an APFT failure. After the flag is removed, when will the Soldier be reintegrated onto the CLI promotion standing list?

Answer: The Soldier should appear on the next report after the flag is lifted. It is up to the Company Commander whether they will reintegrate the Soldier circling “YES” or circling “NO” on the AAA-294. Soldiers must be counseled when not recommended.

Question: Do CLI Soldiers have to appear before the promotion board before they can add promotion points?

Answer: Yes, in order to add promotion points, CLI Soldiers must appear before a promotion board.

Army Promotion Counseling and Deployment Questions

Question: On the Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-294) for personnel that are circled “NO” for fully eligible, do you have to get a counseling monthly or quarterly?

Answer: Yes, (AR 600-8-19, Para 1-26). “First-line leaders will counsel Soldiers who are eligible for promotion to PV2 through SSG without a waiver (fully qualified) but not recommended in writing. Counseling will take place initially when the Soldier attains eligibility, and at least every 3 months thereafter, and include information as to why the Soldier was not recommended and what can be done to correct deficiencies or qualities that reflect a lack of promotion potential.” Soldiers deployed should be counseled in the same manner as those at home station.

Question: If a Soldier is flagged and is circled “NO” for fully eligible, would a copy of the flag be enough versus a

Answer: If the Soldier is flagged, then a copy of the counseling for the action causing the flag will suffice. The important thing is that the Soldier understands the flagging action and all of the consequences including their being denied board appearance or list integration for advancement (via counseling). If the Soldier was counseled concerning the action causing the flag and is told they are denied advancement, then the intent has been met. If the Soldier has not been counseled, then it becomes a leader issue.

Deployment Promotion Points

Question: Will combat deployments while members of another service (Air Force, Marines, etc.) count for promotion points?

Answer: Yes. If the Soldier brings in a DD Form 214 from a combat deployment while they were a member of another service, the ability to include those months in the deployment counter on the ERB does exist and they will get promotion points up to the maximum designated.

Question: If a Soldier has 12 months and 7 days of deployment time, does the Soldier get credit for that extra month
if he only completed 7 days of the following month?

Answer: No. Seven days of deployment time does not make a deployment month. You must have at least 15 or more days to receive a complete month. Deployment months for promotion points will be determined by the months placed on your ERB in section I – Assignment Information – OS/Deployment Combat Duty.

Question: Why will Soldiers receive points for deploying? What about me if I can’t deploy?

Answer: Soldiers will receive two promotion points per month in order to recognize the invaluable experiences gained while deployed in a combat zone. These experiences shape their overall professional development in a positive manner – this simply recognizes it. Points are limited to 15 combat months to SGT and 30 combat months to SSG. Soldiers who ‘max’ their APFT and Weapons Qualification cannot max out the Military Training category without having deployed. If you cannot deploy, shift your focus on education opportunities (both military and civilian). The rules for updating deployment months are that it’s done upon completion of deployment (redeployment). Soldiers will not receive promotion points until after redeployment and the total months deployed are captured in their records.

APFT and Physical Profiles
Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)
Audits for promotion packets
Awards and Certificates of Achievement (COAs)
Civilian Education and Certifications
Command List Integration or Automatic List Integration
Promotion Counseling and Deployments
Flags and Removal from Promotion Standing List
Meeting Cutoff Scores and Promotion Orders
Military Training and Certifications
Army Promotion Boards Updated
Promotion Packets and Reports
Source Documents for Points
Weapons Qualification