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Army MOS 68T Animal Care Specialist

Medical care is provided not only to all men and women in the Army, but to all animals as well. Government-owned patrol dogs, ceremonial horses, sled dogs and sea mammals all need quality care in order to keep working as hard as they do in the Army.

The animal care specialist supervises or provides the care, management, treatment, and sanitary conditions for animals, with a primary responsibility of prevention and control of diseases transmitted from animal to man and comprehensive care for government owned animals. Some of your duties as an Animal Care Specialist may include:

Provide routine daily care for animals in veterinary treatment or research and development facilities Obtain medical history from owners and/or handlers and measures and records animal vital signs Perform physical examinations to detect obvious abnormalities and reports findings to veterinarian Position and restrain animals for examination and treatment Calculate doses and administers oral and topical medications as directed by the veterinarian Maintain sanitary conditions for all components of the veterinary treatment facilities to include operating room and equipment
Assist veterinarian in surgical procedures and perform euthanasia when instructed by veterinarian
Clean, debride, and suture superficial wounds
Collect, preserve, and prepare blood, urine, feces, skin scraping, and post mortem specimens for shipment and
Perform routine diagnostic laboratory tests such as fecal smears, urinalysis, blood counts, and chemistries, records

Job training for an Animal Care Specialist requires nine weeks of Basic Training, where you’ll learn basic Soldiering skills, and 11 weeks of Advanced Individual Training, including practice in animal care. Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

Patient care techniques
Emergency medical techniques
Methods of sterilizing surgical equipment
Plaster-casting techniques

Advanced Responsibilities
Advanced level Animal Care Specialist provides guidance, supervises and trains other Soldiers within the same discipline. As an advanced level Animal Care Specialist, you may also be involved in:

Perform advanced emergency medical procedures on animals such as triage, tracheotomy, burn and poison management, venous cut down, and insertion of stomach tubes Operate mechanical respirators, heart monitors, and gas sterilizer apparatus Supervise non-appropriated fund activities, day-to-day operations, supply management and patient administration procedures Prepare budgets, trains handlers in emergency care of animals, and assists on research protocol teams Maintain clinical and organizational equipment

Related Civilian Jobs
The skills you learn as an Animal Care Specialist will help prepare you for a future as a civilian veterinary aide or assistant at a veterinary hospital. With continued study and experience, you may qualify for certification as an Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician.

Related Army Positions
Pharmacy Specialist (68Q)
Medical Laboratory Specialist (68K)
Radiology Specialist (68P)
Veterinary Food Inspection Specialist (68R)

See Promotion Points for MOS 68T