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Army Geospatial Engineer

The Modern Army uses digital maps & geographic data (satellite images, digital terrain data, and intelligence data) to help the commander visualize the terrain, maneuver forces, execute military operations effectively & target adversaries accurately. Geospatial Engineers use geographic data to produce 2-D and 3-D virtual products to represent the terrain and its effects on operations more accurately and faster to help the commander visualize the terrain.

Geospatial Engineers are primarily responsible for collecting, manipulating, analyzing and distributing Geospatial Products, in support of Military & Civil (Disaster Relief and Homeland Security) Operations. Some of your duties as a Geospatial Engineer may include:

Extract geographic data from collateral data sources such as satellite imagery, aerial photography,
field reconnaissance and digital data

Use advanced computer systems to create and update geographic features & data

Provide 2-D & virtual 3-D representation of portions of the earth?s surface to commanders to better
visualize the battlefield

Organization of compiled geographic data into a printable & digital maps

Create & Maintain multiple geospatial databases for storage of large volumes of geographic

Setup & Maintain a multi-system local area network consisting of workstations, servers, and output

Prepare & Conduct Military style briefs covering all aspects of the terrain and its effects to enhance
the commanders operational awareness

Job training for a Geospatial Engineer requires nine weeks of Basic Training, where you’ll learn basic Soldiering skills, and 18 weeks of Advanced Individual Training and on-the-job instruction, including practical application of geographic information systems. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and part in the field. Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

Basic knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geographic analysis
Imagery interpretation & exploitation

Advanced Responsibilities
Advanced level Geospatial Engineers provide guidance, supervise and train other Soldiers within the same discipline. As an advanced level Geospatial Engineer, you may be involved in:

Analyze collected geographic information in order to produce tactical decision aids
Analyze & predict the weather effects, as it applies to the characteristics of terrain
Perform & supervise management for the storage of aerial photographs, maps, digital geographic
databases and collateral source materials
Perform quality and control assurance during all stages of geospatial operations

Related Civilian Jobs
The skills you learn as a Geospatial Engineers will help prepare you for a civilian career with Federal, State & Local Government and Private Sector.

Civilian employment opportunities could found in the following areas: Federal Careers: Department of
Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, NSA, NGA, USGS, National Park Service, Department of Agriculture,
Department of Transportation. State Government & Local Agency Careers: City/County Planning &
Development, Emergency Services (Police, Fire department, EMS, 911 Centers), Department of Wildlife &
Fisheries, State Department of Transportation. Private Sector Careers: Oil & Gas Field,
Telecommunications, Utility Companies, Retail Planning, Defense Contractors.