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Army MOS 68E Dental Specialist

Everyone needs proper dental care. Army Soldiers aren’t any different. Fortunately, dental care is one of the health services provided to Army personnel all over the world. Dental Specialists are essential members of the Army dental care team. They assist Army dentists in the examination and treatment of patients, as well as help manage dental offices.

The Dental Specialist is primarily responsible for assisting Army dentists in the examination and treatment of patients, while also helping to manage dental offices. Some of your duties as a Dental Specialist may include:

Assist with Patient care
Receive and seat patients
Prepare dental operatory, select and arrange instruments, measure and record temperature, blood pressure
and pulse, and assist dentist during patient exams
Assist with administration of anesthesia and in placement and removal of sutures
Prepare restorative and impression materials
Perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and operate resuscitative equipment
Dispose of contaminated waste and dental radiography
Load and unload radiographic film cassettes, protects self and patient from excessive ionizing
radiation exposure, exposes bite-wing periapical, occlusal film, panoramic radiographic darkroom procedures
Perform administration, supply, and maintenance
Schedule appointments, retrieve, file, and maintain dental records
Receive, store, pack, unpack and safeguard dental supplies and equipment
Perform preventive maintenance on dental equipment
Sets up, maintain, disassemble and pack dental field equipment shelters

Job training for a Dental Specialist requires nine weeks of Basic Training, where you’ll learn basic Soldiering skills, and 30 weeks of Advanced Individual Training, including practice dental care tasks. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and part in the field. Some of the skills you’ll learn are:

Preventive dentistry
Radiology (X-ray) techniques
Dental office procedures
Dental hygiene procedures

Advanced Responsibilities
Advanced level Dental Specialist provides guidance, supervises and trains the other Soldiers within the same discipline. As an advanced level Dental Specialist, you may be involved in:

Assist dental officer in prevention, examination, and treatment of diseases of teeth and oral region
Assist and advise subordinate personnel on supply economy procedures
Supervise the packing, unpacking, loading, setting up and storage of dental unit field equipment and shelters
Assist in presentation of training programs
Prepare the site for field dental treatment facilities
Assist with technical and administrative management of dental treatment facilities under the supervision of a dental NCO

Related Civilian Jobs
The skills you learn as a Dental Specialist will help prepare you for a future at civilian dental offices or clinics. You’ll be qualified to assist civilian dentists in the treatment of patients, as well as provide support as a dental assistant or dental hygienist. With your extensive Army training and experience, as well as some additional study, you’ll have the opportunity to qualify for certification with either the American Medical Technologists as a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) or with the Dental Assisting National Board as a Certified Dental Assistant

Related Army Positions
Health Care Specialist (68W)
Preventive Medicine Specialist (68S)

See Promotion Points for MOS 68E