October 2023 Cutoff Scores
The enlisted Army Cutoff Scores for the month of October 2023 HAVE BEEN RELEASED. Get notified in our private and free Facebook group as soon as they become available.
How to access and download monthly Army cutoff scores:
- Below, you will see two buttons to view/download the current month’s cutoff scores.
- GRAYED-OUT buttons indicates that the current cutoff scores are not available or have not been released by HRC.
- GREEN buttons indicate that the lists have been released by HRC and are available to be viewed and/or downloaded here.
- Each button is component specific and opens a new window with the FULL PDF file to view and/or save to your device.
- Each PDF file is consolidated with all pages and ranks included in one continuous file for simplicity.
If you want to look back at cutoff scores for September 2023, Click Here!
Click buttons below to view/download the lists:
Active Component (One PDF of Cutoff Scores and By Names)
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